I must say, the “Trojan Horse of Trauma” may not be the BEST description.
After all, a “Trojan Horse” was supposed to be something tempting. A gift. Something to make the guards at the gate open up to allow this grand object to enter the city.
In most of our lives, trauma feels like no kind of gift….indeed.
Although some of us have experienced traumas brought to us by people attempting to make us believe they were trustworthy, so we may let them into our lives, for the most part, trauma is just trauma.
Yet, it is what it carries that is truly the enemy’s intention.
Just as the Trojan Horse had a purpose to allow soldiers within the “gift” to come into the safe spaces of the city and wreak havoc in the story of Helen of Troy, so, too, is trauma more about what it carries within than about what it seems.
Events of trauma in our lives are often understood as such – physical attacks, powerful losses, betrayals, and so on. Some may not be fully understood as trauma, at the time, such as gaslighting or neglect – but, come into our lives they do – with a strategy to leave something behind.
You see, as much as the enemy of our soul must have an interest in causing us THAT harm…in disrupting us in THAT way, his plans run far deeper.
When trauma enters our lives, violates our boundaries and enters the city of our selves, it wants to plant something deeper – something worse. It is always a longer term plan much like the one we see in the Parable of the Sower – the enemy who ALSO sowed seed alongside the good seed, so it may grow up into a tare.
The tare means to take good space in the garden, to take good soil, to take good resources, to block light from good growth.
It is a longer term plan.
If we, like the farmer in the parable, do not discern the good plant from the bad – if we feel a “quirk” of our personality is simply “us” – if we do not discern harm planted within us from the seed of the Trojan Horse of Trauma, we may struggle in ways we do not understand.
Yet, there IS a way to know. We CAN discern the wheat from the tare in our lives. We ARE able to root out trauma’s aftermath within us.
There is a Biblical path home from trauma we can follow to the SOUND MIND Paul told Timothy he had already been given.
If you would like to learn more about this path, join us on the journey home in our workshops, membership, group & individual coaching by signing up for info at: www.sistersdevoted.com