As a Christian woman, why do I still experience the impacts of trauma?

Sister, it all begins in the Garden.

When the enemy deceived Eve, he wasn’t just trying to get her to disobey God.

Her disobedience was a bonus for him, to be sure, but his true objective was the EXACT OPPOSITE of the objective God had for Adam & Eve…the enemy WANTED mankind to experience the impact of the knowledge of good & evil.

God ABSOLUTELY did not. [Genesis 2:17]

You see, God’s instructions to Adam in the Garden were not just a random test of obedience. The instructions were to keep the knowledge of good and evil away from humanity. Why?

  1. We could not be held accountable for something we could not distinguish was bad. Innocence would be our constant state, if we did not have that knowledge.
  2. We could not experience the impact of having the knowledge of good and evil when evil actions were committed against us.

It is the knowledge of good and evil which leads to the lasting impacts of trauma God never intended for us to know or receive.

You see, it was not for the sin of mere disobedience that man was driven from the Garden. It was because Adam & Eve now had that knowledge. “So He drove out the man and stationed cherubim on the east side of the Garden of Eden, along with a whirling sword of flame to guard the way to the tree of life.” — Genesis 3:24

He did not want ANY possibility that Adam & Eve would eat of the tree of life and be in this state of having the knowledge of good and evil ALONG WITH eternal life….and remain in this state forever.

The Father had another plan for their redemption. He had another idea of how they would spend life in eternity.

So, what does all of this have to do with the impacts of trauma in our lives today?

If the knowledge of good & evil – which certainly included the impact of trauma in our lives – was SO IMPORTANT to avoid, it stands to reason that its impacts could be profound and long lasting.

God sees us as so precious, so important to Him, so valuable that He meant for us to never know the impacts of trauma. However, here we are in this state where we DO have that knowledge, and it can be very profound indeed.


Just like the work of the enemy from the beginning, trauma comes to “deposit” harm into our being. If the enemy can have a hand in bringing trauma & extending its effects, he will. Yet, we can work through those impacts. It often requires bravery for us to dive within to discover the core messages left in our systems from the event(s) we have experienced. It takes intention. It takes work. It takes hope. It takes relationship. It takes truth & it takes His Word.

BUT – by the provision of His Word, we have access to the TRUTH of who we really are in Him. We can use that truth to uproot messages set within us after trauma. And, we have access to the TRUTH of Who He really is – which we can use to displace lies in our minds & hearts about His Love, His Provision, His Favor & on & on.

Whatever messages traumas have left…whatever “pieces” the enemy intended to split us into…and, whatever accompanying emotions reside within us where those unhealed traumas lie – the truth, most certainly, Sisters, shall set us free. [John 8:32]

We are here to help you uproot those messages, undoing the intention of the enemy & restoring a deeper knowledge of Him in areas in our lives impacted by trauma.

If you would like help uncovering the lies & untying the knots within of those false messages left by trauma experienced in this life, we are here to help you do that work.

You can reach out to us at: or through facebook or instagram @sistersdevoted.

We are all about walking into freedom & PROVING Our Father is a Good Father. He is the One Who wants us to overcome “because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word” of our testimony…[Revelation 12:11b], and, as we know, Sisters….HE has the final Word. Amen.