”Own It, Sister” ~ living your life God’s Way

We see this phrase used a lot these days. And it means very many things.  

It can mean a person needs to ”own” their behavior…to admit what they have done.

It can mean to “own” up to the consequences of that behavior…and that can mean so many things.

It can mean:

 >> paying a debt

 >> losing a job 

 >> loss of trust in a relationship

 >> even paying a fine or 

 >> something as dramatic as serving a sentence

—> One thing it always means is truth ←

➡️ ”Own it” means that we admit the truth in a situation.

🕊️ In Jesus’ statement that ”the true worshippers“ would “worship in spirit and in truth“ [John 4:24 & 25] ~ He meant we would “own” reality in every thing we did, as a form of worshipping Him…every day…in every way. 

—>And there is FREEDOM in that, Sisters 🕊️

– FREEDOM in owning what we do.

– FREEDOM in owning the truth of a relationship.

– FREEDOM in owning the way we are impacted by our past.

>If we don’t start with “owning it,” how can we ever be FREE?

➡️ In our ministry programs, we always begin with “owning it” – 

…owning the truth of our value

…owning the reality of how great our God is & how much He is here for us

…owning the way He wants us to care for ourselves

…owning the way the past has impacted us

…and owning the truth of how we are really living today

       – in our minds, emotions, relationships, behaviors, even our worship life

In our membership & coaching environments, there is a place where we can own it – own it all – in truth, among Sisters. 🕊️ And there is freedom in that.

>> It isn’t just freeing to “own it.”  

It is freeing where “owning it” leads.  

 —> It leads to a life of truth.  

 —> It leads to a chance to be who we really are.

 —> It leads to a chance to know Who He really is.

…and to worship in spirit and in truth ~ walking into biblical self-care ~ walking into ending denial ~ walking into clarity of our purpose & a chance to take real action to be all He has us to be in Him.

—> If you would like to “own it, Sister” – to own who you are, Who He is and how He truly would like for you to live, consider joining us in our membership or coaching, (sign up to receive info at www.sistersdevoted.com) where we will walk into a life of truth & freedom with one another.  

It is time to “own it, Sister.” And “owning” the incredible grace and truth available in Him, “owning” the beautiful gifts & callings He has for us to walk in is something that – if we saw the truth of all He has – we would not hesitate to do ~~ not for one second.