In our walk, Sisters, as we go through our lives, enemies come. They come, just as any enemy has always come, to knock us out of our home…not just physically, but the home of ourselves.
Any enemy has this mission:
- The serpent came to do it to the woman in the Garden
- Babylon came to do it to Israel in the Old Testament
- Slave trades came to the coast of Africa, stealing men and women from their homes
- Armies rolled across Europe in WWII ousting Jewish people from their homes
- And, in our lives today, enemies of our souls come to take us from the home of ourselves
It is no joke, Sisters.
In some way, each and every one of us has been attacked in our lives. Paul called it the “schemes” of the enemy in Ephesians 6. It is specific, and it has a purpose.
We may call it “trauma” today. Trauma can include any and all forms of assault our lives may undergo. And, if we let it happen, these enemies are inspired by their “father the devil” [John 8:44] to unseat us from the very throne of our own being…our “home.”
Jesus spoke of our being as a home when He was rebuking the Pharisees in Matthew 12. The Pharisees were criticizing Jesus after He had just healed a man possessed by demons…imagine! In seeking to help the Pharisees understand how a man can be possessed, He posed to them the question: “…how can anyone enter the strong man’s house and carry off his property, unless he first binds the strong man?” [Matthew 12:29] Even today, this is exactly what traumas come to do in our lives, Sisters…to bind us…so that we may be restrained from an ability to occupy ourselves.
What might this feel like? It may be anxiety, indecisiveness, timidity…a preoccupation with shame. We may feel depression, live in isolation or live for the approval of others. Traumas come in order to bring a brokenness which harms us in such a way that we are distracted from simply being us, in any form it takes.
Just as a distracted homeowner can have a thief slip in the back door, when we are “occupied” by our pain, we may find we eventually no longer “occupy” or feel like ourselves.
It is not uncommon, Sister.
If you have lived a life with a series of traumas which you suspect are not fully healed, you may be living in a way which has you feeling you are not yourself anymore.
So, how do we “occupy” the “home” of ourselves again? How do we reclaim ownership? What will make me feel I am in command of my mind, my heart, my will and my emotions again?
In our coaching services, we come alongside each woman in order to discover what “message” was delivered when each trauma came.
- What is still there?
- What did it make us believe?
- How did it convince us we are no longer the one in charge of ourselves?
- In what way is it still operating within us to make us feel “unseated” from the throne of our own lives?
It can be known.
It can be healed.
It can be removed.
We can be unbound, Sister.
If you feel it is time to know yourself again…to feel like yourself again…to regain command, in every way, of who you are and whose you are…even though…even so…reach out to us for a free Sister here, so we may begin the journey home.