Trauma has a job to do

Trauma is a tool, and it has a job.

Fear is the language of the enemy, and he speaks it in lies.

Love is the language of God, and He speaks it in truth.

In your mind, there is a battle of decision between evidence presented.

Trauma is the evidence the enemy presents.

His Son is the evidence God presents.

What is your decision?

You are the ruler of your life.

You have been given dominion over you.

You will see and hear evidence presented by both sides, and you will always be able to decide.

Am I worth it?

Is God true? Will He be there for me? Is His Word true? Is it powerful enough to help me now? Will God see me, if I make the right decision? Or will He leave me alone?

Every, single malady and malfunction within us left over within us from trauma is about a decision. It is about choosing fear & lies or love & truth.

What do you believe about God, based on what you have seen?

What do you believe about you, based on what you have seen?

What do you believe about His Word, based on what you have seen?

What do you believe about what is true based on what you have seen?

Any way home from trauma will always come through truth.

—> Will you stand in His truth after being knocked to your knees, feeling hopeless and all which has come before?

“The true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth” — John 4:23b

“…for such people the Father seeks to be His worshippers.” — John 4:23c

He is seeking you, Sister. You.

He is seeking your worship. Yours.

He is waiting for your decision…if you will worship Him trusting in the power of His Spirit and believing in the force of His truth…

…even though…

…even after…

If you have any questions about how to get home to truth after trauma, we are here….