Trauma comes to us all, and it has a job to do.
First of all, Sisters, we need to understand that we are each a valuable target.
We are each a high-value target in a battle between good and evil.
The enemy has a job to do – that he has given himself – and it is to “unseat” you from the throne of your own self. He wants your space. And, he wants you out of it.
If he can have you carrying out his desires, he believes his kingdom is advancing. Jesus referred to this in John 8:44a when he spoke to Israel saying, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires.”
Although we may not “see” ourselves in this scripture, not believing we are in any way looking to carry out the desires of the enemy, let’s look at it from a different angle…
If the enemy can get you on his “side”…if can get you to “side” with him…if he can get you to carry out “his desires” by having you abandon yourself and your value and live in a place of confusion and poor self-managment…he feels he has gained more ground in this war.
How does he go about doing this? A prime weapon he uses is trauma. This ministry is entirely established to instruct women about this reality and to help bring them home…to help win them back the “seat” in their own lives.
In 1 Peter 3:3-4, Peter is explaining to wives: “Your adornment must not be merely the external—braiding the hair, wearing gold jewelry,or putting on apparel; but it should be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.” The word for “quiet” here literally means “keeping one’s seat.” [Strong’s Concordance]
So, how does trauma (the enemy’s weapon) knock us off of our seat?
One way he does this is by working through events, words and people whom we love &/or fear, to get us to “side” with what is untrue about us. We may find we betray our value. We may find we allow mistreatment. We may agree and decide we are, in fact, not worth a good environment. We may find we tell untruths, in looking to make others happy.
In all of these ways, we become uncomfortable in our own skin. After a lifetime of these behaviors, we no longer feel like ourselves. But you can go home again. You can feel like yourself again. You can find that seat in the home your Father gave you – yourself – and be comfortable again.
We can help you find your way home to the seat of yourself. If you would like to learn how events in your life set patterns in place which have left you feeling uncomfortable being yourself, we are here for you.
Our membership, coaching and resources are here to guide you on the path back to yourself.
Sign up on our homepage for more information about how our ministry can help and to learn how to go home http://www.sistersdevoted.com